Cow Bop TV

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cow-lifornia Here We Come

Split Flagstaff before the roosters were even awake, of course, they might be icicles if they were left out last night, ouch, it was cold and the van was covered with snow. Saw the rim of the Grand Canyon, Seligman, Peach Springs, got rousted at 10 am by the Indian Reservation Police (a sobriety checkpoint), of course we were clean...
Then onto Needles (we skipped the donkeys in Oatman) weather was really thick. Crossing the Colorado river and entering our home state felt really good, but I can only imagine what the people who originally traveled west on Route 66 thought. After a long road to Califoirnia, thinking beach, palm, trees, and a cornucopia, only to be assaulted by the scorpions, rattlers and endless scrub of the Mojave Desert. I wonder how many turned back...but not us. Got the gig in Wrightwood tonight, set up by Keith Watkins, who has made the whole trip with us, check out his blog (you can access it from here...I am sure it is a different perspective than me). If I haven't shown all my gratitude Keith, thanks a million, you have helped immeasurably!
Plans are to cross the finish line tomorrow...a day early, then two parties: one in Rolling Hills and the then The Jazz Bakery. Hope to see you there.
Remember: You do know why we do this? Please help by making a pledge, it'll make a big difference in the lives of kids and musicians...a double whammy...come on, take the plunge. Thanks!

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