Cow Bop TV

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baja bebop

Played at Bumblebee's Baja Grill to an enthusiastic audience, most of them named Salazar, but also a great friend and stellar guitar player, Mike Anthony. Pat Kelley made the hit and sounded sooo sweet, he's in now, once you go Cow Bop you can't go back. I don't think he can afford to work with us too much, but he says he's following us up to Santa Fe tomorrow. Gotta get some rest here, recharge for the big swing west. Got some action in Flagstaff, let's hope it all works out...gotta believe in magic and music.
Hope to see you all out on Route 66...and consider a pledge, it'll be two-to-one. We really appreciate it.

1 comment:

The Old Hermit said...

Well, better late than never. Caught your show at Bumble Bee Bob's in Santa Fe on the 21st and it was superb to say the least! Also listened to the new CD. LMAO over track 12!

Hang on to the blueberry milk shakes!

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